Latest Wordpress News

What Is Child Theme? How To Create & Install It?

A child theme is a WordPress theme that inherits the functionality and

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What are plugins? Why we use plugins?

A plugin is a piece of software that adds a specific feature

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How To Install WordPress On Xampp Server?

Installing WordPress on XAMPP server involves a few steps. Here is a

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What Is Cache? Why We Use It In WordPress?

In web development, caching refers to the process of storing frequently accessed

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How To Create A Simple Blog Website In WordPress?

Creating a blog website in WordPress is a simple process that can

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How To Install Google Fonts In WordPress?

Google Fonts offer a wide range of fonts that can add to

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How To Add Font Awesome Icons In WordPress Website?

Font Awesome is a popular icon library that contains a wide range

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How To Improve Website Speed In WordPress?

Improving website speed in WordPress is crucial for providing a better user

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10 Best WordPress Themes for 2023

As we move into 2023, there are many great WordPress themes to

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Ways of Lying to Yourself About Your New Relationship.

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